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SysInfo (function)

SysInfo(sName) : String

This function retrieves the "named" GSAK system data. Current named items include

Centre - The name of your current centre point

CurrentUser - The name/account of the current api user

CurrentLanguage - The current language (as select via "Tools=>Options=>Advanced") for the user

Databases - List of all GSAK databases separated by a ; (semi colon) particularly useful to populate a combo box control when using the Form() macro function

Filters - List of all GSAK saved filters separated by a ; (semi colon) particularly useful to populate a combo box control when using the Form() macro function

Distance - Current user setting for distance units "K" = Kilometres, "M" = miles.

DPI - Return the screen "Dots per Inch" value.

Gsakini - This allows you to retrieve any value for Any setting in your GSAK.ini file. When using "gsakini" you need to pass two other pieces of information - the section and the item. Items need not be unique in the whole GSAK.INI file, but they must be unique within a section, hence the need for sections. Sections are denoted by [] square brackets. You pass the section and item name using a ; (semi colon) to separate them. For example, if for some reason you wanted to retrieve the value used for matching the name the code would be:

$match = Sysinfo("gsakini;TfmConfig;EdtGeoName.Text")

You can browse the GSAK.INI file to determine which piece of information it is that you want to retrieve for any particular task.

Internet - Use to find out if you are currently connected to the Internet. Returns "yes" if connected, "no" if not

JoinFilter - Determine if the current active filter is a "join" filter. "Y" = Yes, "N" = No.

Locations -  List of all your current locations (Tools=>Options=>Locations) separated by a (semi colon) particularly useful to populate a combo box control when using the Form() macro function. Note: This will return the full location details including coordinates. If you just want to populate your combobox with the location name only, use code like this:

$Locations = sysinfo("locations")
$names = RegexReplace(",.*?;",$locations,";")
$form = editform($form,"Combobox","Values",$names)

MacroFile -  returns the name of the currently running macro (this does not include the drive or path to the file name). 

MacroPath - returns the full path to the currently running macro.

ScreenResolution - Returns the screen width and screen height seperated by a , (comma).

S_Dialog - Retrieve a list of settings for any dialog. You would normally want to do this to populate a drop down box when creating a GSAK form. To get a ; (semi colon) delimited list of settings for any dialog, pass the name of the dialog preceded by "S_". Dialog names are the same as used in the MacroSet command. For example if you wanted a list of all the settings for your MapSource export the code would be:

$Settings = SysInfo("S_mapsource")

ssFormats - returns a semi colon delimited list of Split screen formats 
UserName - Current user name for this computer

Views - List of all GSAK saved views separated by a (semi colon) particularly useful to populate a combo box control when using the Form() macro function

WindowsFolder - List standard Windows folders. Use SysInfo("WindowsFolder:Name") where Name is the windows folder you want to retrieve. For example, to get the Windows Desktop folder the code would be:

$WindowsDesktop = SysInfo("WindowsFolder:Desktop"). There is a macro that lists the supported names that can be found  more info, the output of which is:

Alpha List         Category List