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CacheType (function)

CacheType(stype) : string

This function has several uses, depending on the value of sType

1. If only 1 character is used for sType  (usually the value of the database variable $d_CacheType), then the expanded cache type description is returned. The description matches those used in the drop down boxes when allocating icons
2. If more than one character is used for sType (the full cache type description), then the corresponding 1 character abbreviation is returned
3. If sType is the reserved string "all1", then a semi colon delimited list of all the valid ( 1 character) cache types is returned.
3. If sType is the reserved string "all", then a semi colon delimited list of all the valid ( expanded) cache types is returned.

If you want the complete full description as used by Ground speak (for example,"Traditional Cache" instead of just "Traditional") use the %typ special tag instead.

For example:

$CacheTypes = CacheType("all")
MsgOk Msg=$CacheTypes


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