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Highlight Waypoints  (Waypoint=>Highlight)

Highlights allow you to dynamically alter the font and/or color of an individual cell or row according to criteria that you enter. This criteria uses the same expression as Mfilter, so any expression/condition you can set using Mfilter can be applied.  Unlike the "WayPoint=>Color" option, these are dynamic and colors/fonts will change as your data changes to match (or not) your set criteria.GSAK allows you to have 20 simultaneous "highlighters" running

Disable all - Check this box to disable all highlighting. To disable an individual highlight, select it from the drop down list then uncheck the "Activate" box

Activate - Check this box to activate this highlight. Uncheck to disable it. The option only applies to the currently select highlight from the drop down list. To turn off all highlighting, use the "Disable All" check box.

Scope - Select "All columns" to make this highlight apply to the whole row. Select "One column" to make this highlight apply to only a single column. When you select this option, a drop down box will appear and you can select the required column.

Description - This is the description you want to give to this highlight and will appear in the drop down box at the top of the dialog.

Mfilter - This is the Mfilter expression you must enter to determine if the current waypoint is a "match" for this highlight. 

Sample - The sample box enables you to see a preview of how the row/column will appear when the highlight Mfilter matches a waypoint in the database.

The Font and Color buttons enable you to open dialogs that will set the corresponding font/color.

Use the Cut/Copy/Paste buttons to assist in moving (cut then paste), copying (copy then paste), or deleting (cut) individual highlights. 

I have also included a special system recognised mfilter called "*HasChildWaypoints". This has enabled removing of the hard coded "bold" of the waypoint name when a cache has child waypoints. This has now been moved to "Waypoint=>Highlight" and is your default highlight 1 (you can now remove this or change to your preference)


You can apply both colors and font to a highlight (including font size, color, bold, italic, strikeout, underline). However, be careful when using both a font color and background color as the text will appear invisible if they are set to the same color.

You can disable all highlights or just individual ones

Each highlight can be applied to all columns or just one specific column.

If you have macros that set a "static" color, you may want to see if they can now be converted to "dynamic" highlights.

If you have multiple highlights and the mfilter criteria is not mutually exclusive, then "the first one wins" (subject to its own category - font or color)