GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
Contents - Index

5.0 Extra Release Notes

Hint Bubble
I was getting some crashes reported from some users. I could not reproduce the crash on any of the systems here, but one thing that did seem to be constant with these crashes was mention of the hint bubble in the file box of the export dialogs. The problem does seem to be graphic card/operating system dependent, but after removing the help bubble hint it fixed the crash in all cases. As this hint bubble would seem to be more trouble than worth, I have removed it form all export dialogs..

Macros and UserImages folder
If you have any Macros or User images (pictures or the bitmaps used for memory map for example) then I suggest you place these in the corresponding new folders. Why? - these new folders are now backup up and restored when you check the "settings" option. If you are trying to sync GSAK with you laptop this should make it easier to have all the GSAK related information copied over.

Abort button on GPX file generation
GPX file generations take quite a while on large databases. Currently there is no way of terminating a generation once it has started. This can be frustrating if you have done this by mistake (forgot to set a filter first for example). You now get an abort button for this generation. This also applies to Cachemate and custom exports as they both do a GPX generation before the corresponding conversion.

More precise calculation of distance and bearing
The old distance and bearing calculation seemed to be out slightly when calculating some distance and bearings. I searched for a more accurate formula and settled on the one found here (using the great circle calculation) I converted this to Delphi, and at least now the distance and bearing between two points match exactly to the calculation done by OziExplorer.

All fields now in "selected mode" when editing a waypoint
While executing "Waypoint - Edit" you can use the Tab key to move from one field to the next. Previously,  the following fields, the contents was NOT selected while entering the field with the tab key: Placed By, Waypoint Code and Name.

All HTML summary index files now begin with _ (underscore).
As most users view the folder these files are kept in name sequence, this brings them to the very top when viewed in Windows Explorer (or other file viewer). To preserve backwards compatibility for plucker users and the like, the file index.htm is still created but is exactly the same as the _index.htm version.

Updated corrected coordinates and icon storage formats
The file storage format for the corrected coordinates and icon settings was proving to be unreliable on some systems. I have now upgraded both these files to the more robust format used for the main databases. 

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