GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife)
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SpeedMode (command)

SPEEDMODE <STATUS=on|off|refresh|refreshall>

The Macro language defaults to running in a special "speed mode" (Status=on), which enables each macro command to be run without having to update the GUI grid.This saves resources, and dramatically speeds up the running of a macro.

On - Turns on speedmode (also the default macro mode when this command is not used)
Off - Turns off speedmode. Grid and split screen are refreshed after every line of macro code (this can be very slow) Use it when you issue commands and want to view the grid showing the results of each and every command.
refresh - Forces the grid to be refreshed to show the current data (only the grid is refreshed, not the split screen). Use refreshall if you also what the split screen display refreshed. This is a one time only action (unlike setting speed mode off)
refreshall - Forces the grid and the split screen to show the current data.This is a one time only action (unlike setting speed mode off)

Take the following example

SqlSort OrderBy=Distance
Goto position="Bottom"
Pause Msg="We have stopped the macro here"
.... more commands

Now, when viewing the pause message the grid (in the background) will still be showing your current sort sequence at the waypoint you were on before the start of the macro. If you prefer that the grid immediately shows at the last waypoint in distance sequence then the code should be 

SqlSort OrderBy=Distance
GOto Position="Bottom"
SpeedMode Status=Refresh
Pause Msg="We have stopped the macro here"
... More commands

The GSAK macro language is an interpretive language and will never win any speed awards (there is a lot of code running under the covers for each single macro command). However, having speed mode set on should keep your macros running at optimum speed. 

If you don't need the grid to display the change in waypoints while the macro is running, then I strongly suggest you leave speedmode on as it will make your macros run much quicker.

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