$_HTML = $_HTML + $d_name |
$_HTML = $_HTML + CustomFormat("Clean",$d_name) |
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#*************************************** # HTMLName=Custom full display # SplitScreen=Yes # Export=Yes # Offline=Yes # Condensed=No #*************************************** $h = CustomFormat("OpenDoc") $h = $h + CustomFormat("OpenTables") $h = $h + CustomFormat("OpenLeftCol") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Header","ShowUtm=Yes Attributes=No") # also show coordinates in UTM format, don't show attributes $h = $h + CustomFormat("Cache photos") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Description") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Custom URLs","ShowTitle=No") # no need for custom url title $h = $h + CustomFormat("GC Note") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Trackables") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Child waypoints") $h = $h + CustomFormat("User data") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Custom Data") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Hints","TitleColor=#FF0000 Decode=Yes") # display hint title in red and always decode $h = $h + CustomFormat("Special tags") If $_HtmlFormat = "Export" $h = $h + CustomFormat("NearBy","Max=5") EndIf $h = $h + CustomFormat("CloseLeftCol") $h = $h + CustomFormat("OpenRightCol") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Google map","MapHeight=800") # increase height of google map to 800 pixels $h = $h + CustomFormat("GSAK notes") $h = $h + CustomFormat("Logs") $h = $h + CustomFormat("CloseRightCol") $h = $h + CustomFormat("CloseTables") $h = $h + CustomFormat("CloseDoc") $_html = $h |
#********************************************* # HTMLName=Custom Condensed # SplitScreen=No # Export=No # Offline=No # Condensed=Yes #******************************************* $_htmlHeader = CustomFormat("OpenDoc","Color=#FFFFFF") # if variable does not exist, then this is the first cache If varexists("$p_" + "CondensedToggle") $p_Condensedtot = $p_CondensedTot + 1 $p_Condensedtoggle = not($p_CondensedToggle) Else $p_CondensedTot = 1 $p_CondensedToggle = true EndIf $h = "" if $p_CondensedToggle $h = $h + "<table align=centre bgcolor='white' border=0 width=100%><tr><td valign='top' width='50%'>" else $h = $h + "<td valign='top' width='50%'>" endif $h = $h + CustomFormat("Header") $h = $h + "</td>" If not($p_CondensedToggle) $h = $h + "</tr></table><hr>" endif # last cache calcs here If $p_CondensedTot = $_count # finish off table if odd number of caches If $p_CondensedToggle $h = $h + "<td> </td></tr></table>" endif $result = RemoveVar("$p_" + "CondensedToggle") $p_CondensedTot = 0 EndIf $_HtmlFooter= CustomFormat("CloseDoc") $_htmlbody = $h |