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Form (function)
Form(sForm,sOptions) : String
Display a GUI form in a macro
sForm - The code that makes up the form to display
sOptions - Provided for future enhancements. Currently you should just enter as "".
Use the string return value of Form() to determine how the user exits the form. Possible values:
SystemExit - The user clicked on the Red X button at the top of the form
DelayExit - The form used a "Delay" property, and the delay timer reached zero without any user intervention
Control Name - The name of the control that caused the form to exit.
This is probably best illustrated by a simple macro that uses the form function:
While True # Infinite loop to redisplay form as required
$FormExit = form($form,"")
Case $FormExit = "DelayExit"
MsgOk msg="Form exit via Delay"
Case $FormExit = "SystemExit"
MsgOk msg="Form exit via red X button on form"
Case $FormExit = "btnCancel"
MsgOk msg="Form exit from the cancel button"
Case $FormExit = "btnOk"
msgOk msg="We clicked on the OK button, form will redisplay"
# perform OK calcs here, then because we do not have a BREAK the form will redisplay
<Data> VarName=$form
# Form generated by GSAK form designer on Sat 01-Sep-2007 16:26:20
Name = Form1
Type = Form
Delay = 10
Height = 137
Width = 287
Name = btnOk
Type = Button
Height = 25
Left = 32
Top = 40
Width = 75
Caption = OK
Name = btnCancel
Type = Button
Height = 25
Left = 152
Top = 40
Width = 75
Caption = Cancel
<enddata> |

Related: EditForm()
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